Mona Lisa Torn Paper Art

Do you know that World Art Day is the birthday of Leonardo Da Vinci? He was born on April 15, 1452 and is one of the World’s most famous artist, engineer, sculptor, and architect! We made this easy Mona Lisa project for you. Just download and print Mona Lisa’s outline below, then find you will: glue, a paintbrush, pencil, and an assortment of colored paper to tear. Once you have all your supplies, proceed with your torn paper painting:

  • tear up the paper into small pieces (you can work one color at a time)
  • add glue to the area where you want to add the torn paper and spread the glue everywhere in that area with the paintbrush
  • add your torn paper to the glue then paint glue on top of the paper pieces once more
  • cover your entire piece and let dry
  • once dry, add her facial features!

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